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Medical Resonators

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Ultrasonic medical devices are used for cutting, disintegrating, cauterizing, scraping, cavitating, and dental descaling. Because most are handheld, they must be small and light.

Typical design

Ultrasonic surgical device

3/4 section

Ultrasonic devices like this are used for tissue removal or disintegration. This device is driven by four piezoelectric ceramics. The tip is replaceable. The central passage is used either for irrigation or aspiration. (Note: electrical connections are not shown.)

Typical design parameters

Diameter <= 25 mm
Frequency 20 kHz - 70 kHz
Amplitudes 100 - 300 microns
Cleaning and disinfecting Autoclaving at high temperatures with steam may be required.
Other Irrigation and aspiration are often required.
The probe may be bent for better observation of the procedure.

Also see resonator design by finite element analysis.


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Krell Engineering
212 E. Medwick Garth  •  Baltimore, MD  21228  •  USA

e-mail: info@krell-engineering.com